samedi 15 décembre 2007 business model

Business models are componed of the benefits got from every stakeholder. In a specialized magazine case, what does exist?

Here I will try to analyse the business model

What is the consumer/ user benefit?
Telerama uses to be a cultural magazine.
The reader can find content around TV, cinema, spectacles and all cultural acivities in France.
The Telerama specificity used to be a highly critical tune. This specificity is completely present on the website. The content on the website has the same quality and the same editorial line than the paper magazine. What differs is the agility of the site in comparison of the paper magazine. It offers to the reader much more accurate news as they come daily to increase the content of the website.
In addition to the numerous articles analysing cultural events and trends, 3 other services are proposed to the reader.
- "Mon telerama": The reader can customize his own home page for this website
- "Wizz": A web 2.0 platform to allow artists to publish their showpieces.
- "Podcast": a podcast platform

What is the benefit for Telerama?
Marketing benefits:
First it empowers the notoriety of the magazine, and it allows additional communication on subscriptions offers. Then it creates a community with the different web 2.0 services. Eventually a panel has been built on, this allows to save marketing fees while getting a highly involved and qualitative pannel.
Financial benefits: copy costs are saved, advertising profits are made. The model certainly implies more working time from journalists, but I believe that it is financed by the additional advertising.

But to be sustainable, the model has to profide benefits to actors who provide funds.
What is the benefit for partners? gathers a specific public with homogeneus interests. It provides to announcers a unique place to reach highly culture sensitive consumers. Announcers find here a high contact rate if their target is similar to telerama's one.
A key success factor for the model is to provide a large and still homogeneus population to reach through the telerama's website. For Telerama this challenge means that they have to be a reference for this targeted population in order to ensure that the maximum rate of this population comes regularly on the website and is then regularly touched by advertising messages.
This ability to provide a highly segmentated target provide to Telerama a clear added value for announcers.

Who are the competitors?
There is a large offer of cultural magzines on the web, such as:, or But those don't propose a TV guide.